
Pamela Hart Quintet Live Stream; hosted by Austin Jazz Society and Monk's Jazz

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Monk's Jazz, Austin

Pamela Hart Quintet Live Stream presented by Austin Jazz Society and Monk's Jazz.

The current Corona Virus Pandemic is affecting everyone, but for those Austin area Jazz Musicians without a safety net and totally dependent on gig income for their livelihood, it is a time of despair and high anxiety.

The Austin Jazz Society was initiated to promote live jazz and support Austin area jazz musicians.

It is time for jazz fans to chip in and assist local jazz musicians through this period of lost income to help meet their most basic needs (food, shelter, medical) until other forms of assistance can be secured or sufficient income is restored.

Paemla Hart Quintet consists of: Vocals - Pamela Hart Piano - Ryan D. Howard Bass - John Fremgen Drums - Brennan Temple Saxophone - Mike Malone

Link to YouTube at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001SiA6UU1i4v0Wr35iHKYf1sT-snDH-RFQWzeffKNEknqbp9qVdLQZHBQVGJpECTZIDtqYIRAjoUfHEFlSbmDrnVV0Tmap869VC84sH0BER34W9Lgg1Dupj2ncJFAb1Z_k0xDCchU1aYYLtpgzoklELQ==&c=OtiZosDuJfxMN8svcb31Wsd8O4PlP3GxqsGHLz30IcWWtIdHDH1fhA==&ch=Y1n0Vq9Y6ElpkiOgitS_jo7grC67TTUrYAnumT2PSSVvbdp9zpJPsg==

Facebook at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001SiA6UU1i4v0Wr35iHKYf1sT-snDH-RFQWzeffKNEknqbp9qVdLQZHBQVGJpECTZIDvziUh92NUaZ6fa09DRGWIqbAXrmYTbPeYodxphmI3lMwLCmJXlecr0FbY_hm3zulnw9Jr66eEPWF7ZgtrnN5w==&c=OtiZosDuJfxMN8svcb31Wsd8O4PlP3GxqsGHLz30IcWWtIdHDH1fhA==&ch=Y1n0Vq9Y6ElpkiOgitS_jo7grC67TTUrYAnumT2PSSVvbdp9zpJPsg==